The Shape of Rex, 25 second film contest and a Social Media Workshop


At the Royal last night to see The Shape of Rex – here’s Brian Johnson’s take on it.


Loved it – and I know so much of the talent involved it was like coming home.  Ryan Hollyman and Monica Dottor and Aviva Armour-Ostroff  and Brett Donohue and Jack Nicholsen and Lorne Cardinal and Layne Coleman at the helm. Wonderful work and I am impressed to my toes with the talent in that movie – heart-wrenching moments and teenagers making you laugh and love and anguish and   – just wonderful work. I agree completely and utterly with Brian’s question not understanding why this film is not being paid the attention it deserves.

I’ve worked with almost all the people I listed up there – and I’ve see numerous pieces Layne has directed. Seeing a film of his is different than a play – with a play you can look at anything happening on stage (including the LX cues) but with this – I felt like with every single shot was Layne telling me personally exactly what he wanted me to look at, and it was beautiful. My heart is happy and full.  It’s only playing for  a couple more nights, best get a ticket and go. Click here for showtimes and info.

Speaking of films – well, videos – got what it takes to tell a Fringe story in 25 seconds?

go ahead and submit – full contest details are here – and take a look at some of the videos already in!

Also I have a workshop coming up in a couple of weeks with Dancer Transition Resource Centre –  ninety minutes of questions and answers and learning about the why and the how of social media for artists. You should maybe come by.

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